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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is #GiveItAShot?

    Presented through Goodwall and U-Report, #GiveItAShot is a joint initiative with 6 different UNICEF country offices in Africa (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe) to help youth get the answers they need on the COVID-19 vaccine.

    The online program will mobilise youth to ​​become agents of change in their communities promoting vaccinations, raising awareness on COVID-19 and providing learning opportunities. 

    Throughout the program they’ll win awards, listen to inspiring role models and mentors, and gain the knowledge they need, ending with a digital certificate to add to their CV.


  • Does it cost money?

    No, the program is completely free.

  • How long does the event run for?

    The program runs from January 26 to March 23, 2022.

    In addition, all those who participate in the program will also benefit from Goodwall’s current and future programs and activities, such as programs and weekly challenges.


  • What are the challenges?

    There will be a total of four challenges throughout the eight-week program, focused on helping youth learn everything they need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • What are the prizes?

    Throughout the duration of the program, winners will get the chance to receive monetary prizes from a $30,000 cash pool (between Goodwall and U-Report).

  • How can I participate in the #GiveItAShot Program?

    Start off by downloading the Goodwall app (iOS and Android)! Once you are set up with your profile on Goodwall, all you have to do is share your response to a challenge in a video of a maximum of 3 minutes, photo, or text posted on your Goodwall profile, tagging the corresponding challenge hashtag and #GiveItAShot – simple as that!

  • Can I join at any point during the event?

    Yes, you are more than welcome to get involved at any point during the program and pick the challenges which resonate with you the most. However, we do recommend participating in the full program from the start in order to get the most benefit out of the program.

  • Where can I find more information about the partners of the program?

    The #GiveItAShot program has been made possible thanks to our partners: Yunitok, UNICEF, U-Report, Yunitok, Gen U, and YOMA. 



  • Who can participate?

    All students and young professionals from 6 different countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe) are welcome to participate!

  • I am not a student, can I still participate?

    Absolutely! If you’re a young professional it’s important to ensure that when companies ask: ‘What did you do during this time? How did you better yourself? What skills did you acquire?’, the future you has the perfect response.

  • How will I receive my prize if I win?

    If you are a lucky challenge winner, one of our Goodwall Community Managers will be in touch to coordinate delivery of your prize.

  • Who is eligible for a YOMA Certificate?

    All participants who are actively engaging in the challenges and have registered to Goodwall with an email account.

  • What is Goodwall?

    Goodwall is a global community that levels the playing field for young people so anyone can connect and discover professional opportunities from scholarships to jobs. We’re a mobile-first platform with over 1.7M members in more than 150 countries, featuring over 5M jobs & opportunities, more than $1.5M in scholarships & awards and thousands of volunteer events. We help Gen Z build a profile and network of like-minded people who they can share ideas with, showcase achievements and gain support, in order to reach their full potential and positively impact society.

  • Any questions left?

    Feel free to send an email to and we’ll get back you as soon as we can.